Contributing to NeoJsonRPC

Here are some simple rules & tips to help you contribute to NeoJsonRPC. You can contribute in many ways!

Contributing code

The preferred way to contribute to NeoJsonRPC is to submit pull requests to the project’s Github repository. Here are some general tips regarding pull requests.

Development environment


The following steps assumes you have Pipenv installed on your system.

You should first fork the NeoJsonRpc’s repository. Then you can get a working copy of the project using the following commands:

$ git clone<username>/neojsonrpc.git
$ cd neojsonrpc
$ make

Coding style

Please make sure that your code is compliant with the PEP8 style guide. You can ignore the “Maximum Line Length” requirement but the length of your lines should not exceed 100 characters. Remember that your code will be checked using flake8 and isort. You can use the following command to trigger such quality assurance checks:

$ make qa


You should not submit pull requests without providing tests. NeoJsonRPC relies on pytest: py.test is used instead of unittest for its test runner but also for its syntax. So you should write your tests using pytest instead of unittest and you should not use the built-in TestCase.

You can run the whole test suite using the following command:

$ make tests

Code coverage should not decrease with pull requests! You can easily get the code coverage of the project using the following command:

$ make coverage

Using the issue tracker

You should use the project’s issue tracker if you’ve found a bug or if you want to propose a new feature. Don’t forget to include as many details as possible in your tickets (eg. tracebacks if this is appropriate).